Saturday, April 30, 2016

Teaching Notes

Teaching theoretical subjects like management, Organization Behavior, Human Resource Management has been always challenging. Student believe that “hard subjects” like finance and marketing are more important than “soft subjects”—peripheral subjects OB/HR seen as a “feminine discipline”.
Meanwhile, the reality more complex and integrated– classification of OB/OT/HRM not representation of reality as their roots being different OB comes dominantly from psychology or social psychology; OT coming from sociology and anthropology or management science.
In the “Reflections of a teacher (?) Conceptual and pedagogical challenges in teaching OB/HR” by Prof. Bholanath Dutta. He talks about Challenges in teaching OB/HRM in MBA programs, Conceptual limitations, Pedagogical limitations, Alternate methods and forms, Integration and realignment and how to “being a learning self”– redefining the role of being a facilitator.

MGT 203: Organizational Behavior-1

Dear learners,
On my previous 4 sessions, we had classes on course introduction, grading measures, and went through unit 1 (Introduction of OB).
I request you to go through following videos and materials for furthering your knowledge of OB.


How to analyze Business Case Study? This video will help you to do business case study.
What is Organization Behavior? This video provides summary of organization behavior unit 1.

Web materials
You can also check my blog . Go to the "Useful Notes for Management Student for Exams!" heading and find
Organization Behavior notes.
Meanwhile, I will be uploading constantly new slides and material in google drive
link here 

So, you can check it here if you have missed slides.

On our next class i.e. Monday, May 2, 2016, we will begin our next unit 2 "Understanding Individual Behavior"

Thank You
Happy Learning!

MGT 203: Organizational Behavior (3 Credits)

Hi Everybody,
I welcome you to this wonderful course “Organization Behavior”. This course aims is to provide learner with an in-depth understanding of fundamental theories of organizational behavior. The course comprises 11 units- introduction to OB, understanding individual behavior, perception, learning, personality, motivation and job satisfaction, groups and teams in organizations, leadership, communication, conflict and organizational change and development.
Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior LH 6
Concept, Organizational behavior system, basic assumptions, levels of OB analysis, Basic assumptions of OB, Contributing disciplines to the field of OB, challenges for managers.
Unit 2: Understanding Individual Behavior LH 5
Concept, behavior as an input-output system. Mental process-beliefs, attitudes, values, needs, motives and behavior, Sensation, Emotions and Cognitive dissonance.
Unit 3: Perception LH 3
Concept, perceptual process, factors affecting perception, specific application of perception in organizations, theories in organizations, Attribution theory, Attribution errors.
Unit 4: Learning LH 3
Concept of learning, Learning theories, Factors influencing learning, Principles of learning, Behavior modification.
Unit 5: Personality LH 5
Concept, Personality traits and characteristics, Determinants of personality, linking an individual's personality and values to the workplace, Major personality attributes influencing OB, application of personality traits and characteristics at work place.
Unit 6: Motivation and Job Satisfaction LH 5
Concept, Motivation theories-Maslow Hierarchy needs theory, Hygiene factors and motivator’s theory, ERG motivation theory, McClelland Achievement theory and Vroom expectancy theory. Application of motivation theories, Motivation for Performance, Concept of job satisfaction, Effects of job satisfaction on employees’ performance.
Unit 7: Groups and Teams in Organizations LH 5
Concept of group and group dynamics, the dynamics of group formation, types of groups, the dynamics of informal groups, concept and nature of teams, Types of teams, Team processes.
Unit 8: Leadership LH 4
Concept, Effective leadership, Theories of leadership-trait perspective, behavioral theories, contingency theories,
Unit 9: Communication LH 4
Concept, Function and process, System, Types, Communication network, Barriers to effective communication, Overcoming communication barriers, Issues in communication.
Unit 10: Conflict LH 3
Concept, nature, types and nature and types of intergroup conflict, Dynamics of intergroup conflict, Sources of conflict, Approaches to conflict management.
Unit 11: Organizational Change and Development LH 5
Concept, Forces of change, Resistance to change, Approaches to managing organizational change, Concept of organizational development (OD), OD values, OD interventions.

Text Books
Robbins, S.P., Organizational Behavior, New Delhi: Pearson.
Arnold, H.J. and Fieldman, D.C. Organizational Behavior. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company.
Adhikari, D.R. Organizational Behavior. Kathmandu: Buddha Academic Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Asathappa, K.Organizational Behavior.(8th Edition), New Delhi: Himalayan Publishing House.
Dwivedi, R.S. Human Relations and Organizational Behavior: A Global Perspective. New Delhi: Macmillan India Limited.
Moorhead, G. and Griffin, R.W. (2000).Organizational Behavior. New Delhi: AITBS Publishers.
Evaluation Criteria
Case Study
Mid Term
Pre Board
End Term
·         Note: Student unable to attend below 80 % is unable to appear for final exams.
Case analysis (in individual)
·         Each student should first read the case thoroughly and should address the issues.
·         Thereafter they should answer the case questions given.
·         A report on the case analysis should be submitted.
·         Student submitting late or not submitting all the case report will be subject to deduction of marks.
·         Each student is allocated an individual score (from 1 to 5) and average score is used to grade their case analysis.
Presentation (in group)
·         Each student should present their part in the presentation.
·         Each student is allocated an individual score (from 1 to 5) and group score (from 1 to 5), and average score is used to grade their presentation.
·         Thereafter they should present their part carefully.
Assignment (in individual)
·         Each student should submit the provided assignment in due date (hand written),  copying wholly or partly will be penalized by deduction in marks.
·         Each student is allocated an individual score (from 1 to 5) in each assignment and average score is used to grade their final assignment.
Mid Term
The midterm exam will take place after the unit 5 has been completed. The mid-term structure will comprise of 40 marks and its weight age in the final grade will be 10%. The pass marks is 16 out of 40. The time allocated for the midterm exam is 2 hour. The question format for the exam will comprise of three groups.
·         Group A [10 x 1 = 10] Short Questions
·         Group B [5 x 4   = 20] Long Questions
·         Group C [5 x 2 = 10] Case Study
Pre-Board Exam
The pre board exam will take place after all the units has been completed. The pre board exam simulates the board exam and will comprise of 60 marks and its weight age in the final grade will be 15%. The pass marks is 24 out of 60. The time allocated for the midterm exam is 3 hour. The question format for the exam will comprise of three groups.
·         Group A [10 x 1 = 10] Short Questions
·         Group B [6 x 5   = 30] Long Questions
·         Group C [4 x 5   = 20] Case Study
End Term
The end term exam will be taken by Tribhuvan University. The end term exam comprises of 60 marks and its weight age in the final grade will be 60%. The pass marks is 24 out of 60. The time allocated for the midterm exam is 3 hour. The question format for the exam will comprise of three groups.
·         Group A [10 x 1 = 10] Short Questions
·         Group B [6 x 5   = 30] Long Questions
·         Group C [4 x 5   = 20] Case Study